Q & A

Q. My subways keep launching rockets at me! Help!
A. Take parallaxing off of the ceiling, this is the only known total fix. You can make the rockets not hit you by either "pushing" the SE-6 or SE-14 below the floor by a sizable amount or extend it through the ceiling. This will cause them to hit a void area, but you'll still here the explosions.

Q. I put a sector within another sector then moved it against the wall... now I get really weird HOM when looking at it.
A. To make a "penisula" sector (ie a bookcase extending from the wall) simply split the existing white wall or insert two vertices along it. Then draw a new sector into the inner sector using those points as the starting and consequently ending points of your sector. Build does not like to have sectors moved on top of existing lines or vertices. This wreaks havoc with the engine.

Q. My framerate has made the game unplayable. What can I do to improve it?
A. Try the following to bring your frame rate back to Earth:
1. Reduce the number of unique sprites within any given areA... too many being loaded causes the engine to slow down when loading.
2. Don't use groups of sectors to make stairs. Use slopes instead. Too many sectors within any viewable area causes the engine to slowdown when calculating the image Duke sees.
3. Avoid very large, expansive sectors. If the engine has to load too many sprites/tiles in any given image, the frame rate drops dramatically.
4. Cut down on the number of monsters in one areA. Too many actors again will drop the FPS.
5. Avoid putting in lots of monsters that fire rockets. RPG really tax the engine.

Q. I've made my water sector, but I die when I either enter the water or try to exit. Both sectors are the same size.
A. The SE-7 sprites have to be in the exact same location on both water sectors, and at the same angle.

Q. Okay, my water sectors are identical, the sprites are in the same place, and pointing at the same angle. I can't enter the water or come out of it.
A. Make sure the ceilings/floors of both above-water and underwater sections don't have any slope to them. To clear the slope of a ceiling/floor, point at it in 3d mode and hit '/'. Also make sure the SE-7 sprites are placed on the floor. If you've put an island sector within your above water sector, that must be duplicated on the underwater section. Take a look at E1L3, the submarine level, and you'll see what I mean.

Q. I made a sprite with my paint program using the correct Duke palette, and imported it into EditArt. But when I use the sprite in Build, the "clear" space I had colored like the other masking sprites appears pink.
A. Load EditArt, find your tile, point at any one of the pixels that represent the color you'd like to make masking, and hit Backspace then 'C'. Backspace turns your drawing color to the masking color, and 'C' will turn any pixel matching the color of the current pixel (the one you have pointed at) to that drawing color.

Duke Nukem 3D is copyright ©1996 , All Rights reserved.


Copyright ©1996 Tyler Matthews, All Rights reserved.
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